Treatments at the Clinic include osteopathy, cranial osteopathy, paediatric osteopathy, acupuncture and breath work, all of which can help to reset the body’s balance while alleviating pain.
Supporting patients to experience more profound changes to their health and wellbeing, Sen Wellness runs regular Kundalini yoga classes and workshops at the Clinic. Many of our patients also join our yoga and holistic wellness retreats at the Sanctuary, our retreat centre in Sri Lanka.
"Thank you, Sam, for your beautiful energy and Sen Wellness for being my perfect sanctuary to restore and renew my system when I need it most.”
Lori Silmon Neilson
"Sam fixed me within months, and I got my life back. Continuing to see Sam for my overall wellbeing, he has been a major factor in my positive life changes."
Cheryl Wing
"Sen Wellness Clinic and Sam have been one of the most significant discoveries I have ever made."